Tag Archives: Chinese jumprope
Here’s a “Chinese Jumprope”…
i am trying to finish this…
hi im 14 and me and my friends…
I remember “Chinese Jumprope”…
I remember “Chinese Jumprope” that I used to play in the Bronx. When I moved to Queens, I didn’t see it around. We used rubber bands (elastics would do) and looped them together to form one long rope that we tied the ends together. Two people would stand about five feet apart with the “rope” around thier ankles to form a large box. The jumper would put one foot in and out of the rope and then slip the foot under one end and bring it over the other side (in a way like cat’s cradle if you think of it, but you came back to the starting point) We used to sing/song “in out over one, in out over two”.. etc. There were variations as you kept going without making a mistake like turning and taking turns with each foot and the rope would also go higher too.
My daughter and I were discussing…
My daughter and I were discussing how to play “school” jumping rope. I can’t remember exactly what you have to do for each grade, just that 3rd grade was hot peppers,6th grade was 3 slow and 3 hot, and 9th grade was 3 slow, 3 medium, 3 hot. Other than that, for Kindergarten you just run through and if you get spanked (the rope hits you on the way out) you have to repeat Kindergarten — I think if you get spanked in any grade you have to repeat that grade; first grade is one plain jump; the rest are the following or combinations of the following done while jumping: –close your eyes, high waters(the rope doesn’t touch the ground); turn around; touch the ground with your hand; medium hot peppers; red hot peppers; jump with just one leg; jump with both feet; jump on one leg and then the other. That’s nine different styles. Then we used to go from 12th back down to Kindergarten but go in the back door and leave by the front (enter the rope from the opposite side and run out the other way.
Re: the Chinese jumprope…
Re: the Chinese jumprope In Trinidad we called this ‘elastic’. You would start with it around 2 people’s ankles and there were different routines you had to follow, involving jumping in, out, over the two elastics, “mashing” or stepping on then, before you could move up to knee length and then finally the hardest one was jumping in and out when it was on your friends’ hips or waists. One of the routines was “BINGO”.
I was just teaching some…
I was just teaching some kids “school” jump rope and am trying to remember all the “grades. I remember Kindergarten is running through without touching the rope. Gr.1 is one regular jump, Gr. 2 is spin around while jumping two jumps, Gr. 3 was touch the ground (froggy style) while doing 3 jumps, Gr. 4 was close your eyes while jumping 4 jumps, Gr. 5 was getting in the rope on the opposite side (backwards) and jumping 5 regular jumps, Gr. 6 was jumping with your legs spread far apart (we called them the splits), Gr. 7 was jumping on one foot 7 jumps, Gr. 8 was the snake (we lowered the rope just off the ground and slithered it back and forth and the person jumping had to jump back and forth over it 8 times…I’m at a lose for the upper grades…anyone else know them??
My niece (10 yrs old) saw…
My niece (10 yrs old) saw a casting agent yesterday that told her they get a lot of calls for children that can double-dutch. She is now interested in learning but we don’t know anything about it. Does anyone here have a recommendation of a movie or documentary featuring jumprope competitions?