In Bay Ridge Brooklyn, in…
In Bay Ridge Brooklyn, in the 70’s and we called it Cor-Cor like the posters from Bensonhurst and South Brookly. I always wondered why, and I think I found the asnwer. The post above about Sunset Park, seem to be where it comes from. “caught caught Ringalevio 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3.” Lot of Sunset Park folks moved to Bay Ridge after they built the BQE. Cor-Cor sounds like some kid misunderstood his Dad saying “Caught, Caught. So our rule was when you grabbed the other kid, you said “Cor-Cor Corlevio, 123,123.” Also, like the Jersey City poster, it was pretty much anything goes until the catcher completed the phrase. A popular move I remember was using your arms to smash at the arms holding on to you. When I first read about Ringolevio, I said, that sounds just like Cor-Cor.