I was just teaching some…
I was just teaching some kids “school” jump rope and am trying to remember all the “grades. I remember Kindergarten is running through without touching the rope. Gr.1 is one regular jump, Gr. 2 is spin around while jumping two jumps, Gr. 3 was touch the ground (froggy style) while doing 3 jumps, Gr. 4 was close your eyes while jumping 4 jumps, Gr. 5 was getting in the rope on the opposite side (backwards) and jumping 5 regular jumps, Gr. 6 was jumping with your legs spread far apart (we called them the splits), Gr. 7 was jumping on one foot 7 jumps, Gr. 8 was the snake (we lowered the rope just off the ground and slithered it back and forth and the person jumping had to jump back and forth over it 8 times…I’m at a lose for the upper grades…anyone else know them??