Tag Archives: Chinese jumprope
This sounds impossibly difficult….
This sounds impossibly difficult. I am sure I would be tied up in knots. I love hearing all the talk about chinese jump rope, always hoping I will hear the description of the game we played as children called chinese jump rope. I have come to the conclusion that anything exotic was called chinese. I went to school in China Town New York City and never played any exotic elastic chinese jump rope. We did play a game called chinese jump rope. It was a single rope and we jumped over it while turning around all the way up to head height. There was a game with a double rope and I cannot recall it at all. I am pretty sure I posted a similar posting to this much earlier on. Also a posting about chinese jacks.
Hello I have just…
Hello I have just found your discussion group about chinese jump ropes. Being from Great Britain we used to call this either ” French skipping ” or ” Elastics “, However I can only remember one rhymn : Scotland England Ireland Wales Inside Outside Inside Tails Jumping with the elastics like this : ( Left = position of left foot ) etc: Left Elastic Right Elastic Elastic Left Elastic Right Left Elastic Right Elastic Elastic Left Elastic Right Elastic Left Right Elastic Left Elastic Elastic Right Elastic Left Right Elastic Land on the elastics. When this has been completed successfully on ankles, raise the elastics to; shins, knees, bottoms, waists, etc….. If this was not hard enough the ends take one foot out reducing the width… Please have a go and we’ll await the replies. Have fun ! Catriona. P.S. I am a playground supervisor desperate for the revival of old games.
It looks like I am not the…
Does anyone remeber the…
Does anyone remeber the rules to Chinese Jump Rope? I would love to teach my daugter who could pass it on to a whole new generation of kids. All I remember is 2 people hold the rope around their ankles and one person jumps in and out. I think the rope is moved up as the jumber becomes proficient.
To clumsy at double-dutch:…
To clumsy at double-dutch: Fret not. The key is to keep the beat (time) with your right (or left) foot. Shake your hips to that beat from left to right. When you’re doing this, it helps you to swing first the left rope then the right. Also those double-dutch songs were made for a reason… to help you keep the beat. When you have to stop suddenly in the song both rope-turners jointly swing both the ropes over like a single jump rope then pull them apart to continue in double dutch. The best and least painful rope to use was clothes line. The more painful (for mistakes) and easiest to get tangled in was telephone wire. To Chinese jump rope flashbackees: Yes I remember playing that, too. IS 62, where it seemed like a game of Twisters with rubber bands. It was a cool game.
Can anyone give my the rules…
Does anybody remember the…
Just think of the condition…
Just think of the condition we could all be in if we could double-dutch now. I would love to be able to do it again – at the age of 47. Jumping rope is supposed to be great to lower cholesterol. Maybe I’ll go buy a rope. The kids in the city of Baltimore don’t quite do d/d the same as we did as kids. They jump on one foot at a time, alternating feet back and forth. We jumped from side to side, both feet together. For the lady looking for chinese jumprope – I bet if you went to the library you could find some illustrations. Don’t they have everything in the library? Jumprope, hopscotch and jacks were my favorites. Board games came in second. I guess I was a cheap kid.
Gosh ,I guess there are…
Gosh ,I guess there are so many versions of all these. Here is what I remember: Cee Cee my playmate, come out and play with me and bring your dollies three, climb up my apple tree. Slide down my rainbow into my cellar door and we’ll be jolly friends forever more more, shut the door! and how about: Not last nite but the nite before, 24 robbers came knocking at my door as i ran out, They ran in hit me on the head with a bowling pin I asked them what they wanted and this is what they said. Spanish dancers turn around, Spanish dancers touch the ground etc, etc etc. And: My sailor went to sea sea sea to see what he could see see see but all that he could see see see was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea. The reason I am on here is because I am trying to find the rules for chinese jumprope. I remember about the first 4 or 5 things you do but I draw a blank after that. Anyone??