My daughter and I were discussing…
My daughter and I were discussing how to play “school” jumping rope. I can’t remember exactly what you have to do for each grade, just that 3rd grade was hot peppers,6th grade was 3 slow and 3 hot, and 9th grade was 3 slow, 3 medium, 3 hot. Other than that, for Kindergarten you just run through and if you get spanked (the rope hits you on the way out) you have to repeat Kindergarten — I think if you get spanked in any grade you have to repeat that grade; first grade is one plain jump; the rest are the following or combinations of the following done while jumping:
–close your eyes, high waters(the rope doesn’t touch the ground); turn around; touch the ground with your hand; medium hot peppers; red hot peppers; jump with just one leg; jump with both feet; jump on one leg and then the other.
That’s nine different styles. Then we used to go from 12th back down to Kindergarten but go in the back door and leave by the front (enter the rope from the opposite side and run out the other way.