Category Archives: Toys a few more, Airplanes… a few more, Airplanes with gas motors,you held with stings,they flew in a cirle around you,there were cars like that too! That was for all the big kids.Lawn darts,Moms pots on your head for a helmet. Garbage can lids for shields. Made in Japan toys,tin cars and tanks,some had friction power,some had the wire on them with batteries,early remote controll.Tons of army,cowboys and indian sets with horses wagons and forts.Colorforms was big then.Paint by number sets ,i still see these at flea markets from time to time.RatFink stuff,TROLLS,rabbitsfoot, real ones for good luck,i still have one.Monster and car,plane ,boat models,with the glue we all inhaled while spending hours glueing models,Testors model paint. Toys and sports and fads all had a season,i dont know who controlled it,or said ,ok its yoyo season,it just happened.Getting tropical fish back then was the new thing,i remember ED’S AQUARIUM. Green turtles,and baby alligators,parakettes too. Well……….SALOOGEEE!
Big cardboard boxes,from…
Big cardboard boxes,from stoves or the best a refrigerator box! Rare items back then,the best for rolling down hills. Or cut windows out for a secret hideout. For boys it was,ball game stuff,guns,tops yoyos.Girls it was dolls and doll stuff,.thats about as simple as i remember it back then.We all had board games,and things like Fascination,REMCO Fascination,the game you love to play! I found one at a yard sale,box is dated 1961,and it still works! Original price;$4.12.Have a great day and…..SALOOGEEE!!
playing cards in the spokes,ballons…
If you get a top ,remember…
I “FOUND” my first bike,in…
I “FOUND” my first bike,in a storage basement in Grand central apartments in Bellerose,Queens.A old 28″ balloon tire bike,it was the biggest bike i ever saw! I had to mount it from the stoop,and use my tippy toes to peddle it. I was 7 or 8 then,we were to poor to have our own bikes back then. My brother rode it to the library on Union Tpke,and it was stolen.I still tell the story to my kids,now late twenties,the story about the biggest bike in the world. 1953-1964 QUEENS NY.
trying to remember the other…
i was really into them for…
i was really into them for a while as a kid then once spawn figures came out i got into it again. my wife won’t let me open any of them in case they’re worth something someday. i have spawn, star wars mostly now. as a kid it was G I Joe, and a few marvel super heroes i e hulk, the thing etc. wish i still had those from childhood.