Every kid at one time or…
Every kid at one time or another wants a pet.
My very first pet was a little green turtle who I named Max. The pet stores sold “Turtle Kits, and the turtle was free, if you bought the kit to keep it in. The kit consisted of a plastic “turtle condo”, complete with a little island in the center, and a geen plastic tree. Turtle food was extra. I remember the excitement I felt in having something of my own to take care of. Every day when I came home from school, I’d throw down my books and have a visit with Max. Max lived for about a year or so, and after Max died, I moved on to something bigger– Hamsters. I had many. They bred. I had many more. Now, my children and I have a managerie of our own. To date, our managerie consists of; 2 Guinea pigs, a cockatiel, a goldfish, 2 snails, and a hedgehog named Spike. Thanks Max!