Down by the banks of the hanky panky Where the bullfrogs leap from bank to banky With a fee fi fo fum Who’s got the little one Oooo! ——— Down down baby Down the roller coaster Sweet sweet baby Wouldn’t want to lose you know Shimmy shimmy coco pops Shimmy shimmy pow Shimmy shimmy coco pops Shimmy shimmy pow Poor old grandma Sick in bed Called the doctor And the Doctor said Let’s get the rhythm in the head Ding dong (wag head) Let’s get the rhythm in the hands (clap clap) Let’s get the rhythm in the feet (stamp stamp) Let’s get the rhythm in the hooooot dog (rotate pelvis suggestively) Put them altogether and what do you get? ding dong, clap clap, stamp stamp, hot dog Put them all backwards and what do you get? Hot dog, stamp stamp, clap clap, dong ding. (Once you get good at it you can do it faster and faster.) See see my baby I cannot play with you For I have got the flu Chicken pox and measles too We slid down drainpipes In 1952 And we’ll be best of friends For ever more, more, shut that door, eat that rat that’s on that floor! —— Eeeny meeny dessameeny You are the one ameeny Educated, liberated (slap buttocks on each down beat) I like you Down down baby down down the rollercoaster Didn’t do the dishes lazy, lazy ????? crazy, crazy [more verses here then back to eeny meeny] Still trying to learn this one from my eight year old god-daughter who know many, but some of them are not for adult consumption, being too