This is the way we have always sang this. Found A Peanut found a peanut, found a peanut, found a pea-nut just now, just now I found a peanut found a peanut just now, it was rotten, it was rotten, it was rot-ten just now, just now it was rotten it was rotten just now. ate it anyway, ate it anyway, ate it any-way just now, just now I ate it anyway ate it any way just now. got sick, got sick, got sic-k just now, just now I got sick got sick just now. called the doctor, called the doctor, called the doc-tor just now, just now I called the doctor called the doctor just now. died anyway, died anyway, died any-way just now, just now I died anyway died anyway just now. went to heaven, went to heaven, went to hea-ven just now, just now i went to heaven went heaven just.