> Does anyone remember the four finger drag in Skellzie I don’t remember it being called the “four finger drag,” but I now recall “dragsies” and “pushies”, both bogus cap-flicking techniques abhorred by true Skully players. I will add these variations to my next revision of the “Official Skully Rules”… http://www.westnet.com/~hmcnally/skully/skullyrules.pdf You’ll need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view this, which you can get FOR FREE at http://www.adobe.com/. BTW, the story recounted a couple of days ago by popbet is dead-on accurate… the same Skully cap development happened to me in the Bronx (Fordham Road/Jerome Avenue/St. Nicholas of Tolentine/Alexanders area). I still have my dominator, and, as proven at the recent Back to Brooklyn festival, it still dominates. -HMM