This is a great discussion…
This is a great discussion because both the Spalding and Pensy Pinky were great in their own ways. There was nothing better than holding a brand new ball of either brand. The Spalding was preferred but the Pensy Pinky was great also. I recently bought a new Spalding at Toys-R-Us. I got a little of that feeling back but then it immediately faded when I saw the large UPC label imprinted directly on the ball. Why did they do that? Why isn’t Pensy Pinky still making its ball? I think the first engineering project we did as kids was getting a ball out of the sewer after it rolled down there. I think the lifecycle of a ball ends with rolling down a sewer. I remember after a large rain, some of the sewers would overflow with water, bringing up a multitude of the lost balls. It was a rare occurance and a picture worth taking.