“By Bruce Deitchman on…
“By Bruce Deitchman on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 – 12:05 am:
Please allow me to share my views on the subject.
IMHO, Spaldeens (as they are pronounced) are the proper tool for games
such as stickball, however I have found Pennsy Pinkies more appropriate
for Chinese handball and boxball.“
I gotta agree with everything the guy above me here says. Additionally, the Spaldeens were great for the game of Steem. Where a few guys choosed up sides and ya pitched the ball to the batter as if it were a hardball. A box for the strike zone was drawn on a wall with chalk behind the batter, and the pitcher paced off (I forget how many) several yards to the chalk drawn pitchers mound. Regular balls and strikes added an more action. Ground rules varied depending on how many players were in the game.
This was one of my favorites when I was a young teenager. We usually played in the school yard courtyard. Spaldeens were the ball of choice because of their liveliness bouncing back to the pitcher when the batter missed your pitch. 🙂