Hi, Until I was…
Hi, Until I was 7, my family lived at 3211 Park Avenue, on the corner of E. 161st. I started school at Sacred Heart in Highbridge (actually I went to the annex of Sacred Heart, St. Eugene’s) because I was too young to go to St. Angela Merici (our parish). In 1961 we moved to Pelham Bay where I lived in the “Co-op” on Hutchinson River Parkway. High School: St. Catharine Academy, Class of 71 and Lehman College, class of 75. The Bronx was a great place to grow up. We played Punchball (I was VERY good for a GIRL!) and Ring-a-levio. My brothers played stickball all the time around the corner on 163rd Street. Does anyone remember the rides that came around in the summer? My favorite was the Half Moon which rocked back and forth, higher and higher. I distinctly remember being on that ride and hearing the song “Shimmy Shimmy Coco Bop” Strange!!! When I moved to Pelham Bay, my friends and I hung out on “the corner” (Buhre and Pilgrim Avenue) outside of Joe’s Candy Store. Basically, we did nothing but hang around and drink egg creams (with a pretzel!) My friends from the corner are still my best friends although we’re scattered all over the country now. It’s fun looking back.