Going on a treasure hunt…
Going on a treasure hunt (walk fingers up back) X marks the spot (draw X on back) Big circle (draw big circle on back) Little circle (draw smaller circle inside the first) Dot, dot, dot (tap back with each “dot”) Crack an egg on your head (put your left fist, pinky down, on their head then gently tap your left fist with your right fist and let your left flatten out on their head) Let the yolk run down (let hands slide down their head to their shoulders) Stick a knife in your back (thump them fairly hard in the middle of the back with your right fist, pinky down) Let the blood run down (slide hands down back with fingers open) Spiders crawling in your hair (crawl fingers quickly up back to the hair at the top of their neck) Snakes are sliding down your back (slither fingers down back) Cool breeze (blow on neck) Tight squeeze (pinch neck or squeeze shoulders) [Optional] Can’t catch me! (sharp slap on the back of the neck and run away)