Category Archives: Girl games
Hand up to 85 (clap, clap)…
Hand up to 85 (clap, clap) Gonna Get (clap, clap) names of (clap, clap) [state what you would like to name-boys, girls colors, flowers, cars, etc] (clap, clap) # a piece [how many does each person have to name] (clap, clap) And no repeats (clap, clap) No hesitation (clap, clap) And no relation (clap, clap) Starting with (clap, clap) [name person who starts] (clap, clap) One (clap, clap) [person names first item] (clap, clap) Two (clap, clap) [person names second item] (clap, clap) **when person names number required, the next person starts from One (clap, clap)
X marks the spot (draw “X”…
Miss sue (clap, clap,clap)…
Miss sue (clap, clap,clap) miss sue (clap,clap,clap) miss sue from Alabama her name is Suzieanna sittin in a rocking chair eating baby crackers watchin the clock go tick tock, tick tock sha walla walla tick tock, tick tock sha walla walla a,b,c,d e,f,g wash those boys germs off of me i bet ya, i bet ya, i bet ya cant freeze the first one to move is a black eyed pea between, between, between you and me the second one to move is a beauty queen (freeze)
Here is a song called Mama…
this is a song called I went…
this is a song called I went to a chinese resturant i went to a chinese resturant to buy a loaf of bread, bread, bread. They asked me what my name was and this is what i said, said, said. My name is pom pom poodle wille wille whiskers My name is Elvis Preslie drinking diet pepsie. My name is freeze!