as a kid in the Bronx i played…
as a kid in the Bronx i played stickball, handball and slugs. what fun it was to play stickball. we played against the wall – fast pitch, one bounce and the 3 sewer home run derby.
i remember playing fast pitch with the coke factory behind us. a hit was anything not caught after one bounce. an out was over metal mess fence, over roof and the person who hit it there had to get it.
sometimes the workers in the coke plant had windows open for air and watching us kids play. if ball went through open window it was an out. fast pitch and one bounce was two strikes per out.
left the Bronx and came to Worcester ma. everyone was into hardball and never heard of stickball.
still love stickball at age 62. in wheelchair now but want to play.
would love to start a league here. any ideas?