I grew up in Laurelton, L.I,…
I grew up in Laurelton, L.I, N.Y. in the 50’s and 60’s. I used to get the ‘Pinkys’ for 5 cents and the Spauldeens for 10 cents. The Pinkys were softer, smoother and had that great new rubber smell. They would hand bounce better than the Spauldeen. The words and logo on the Pinky was in dark blue. I guess to keep them newer longer, I used to fill in the words/logo as they wore off with a blue BIC. The Pinky had a thin black seam and that was it’s weakness. Many times a solid hit with a wood bat would split the Pinky right on that seam. The Spauldeens were rough texture, ‘chalky’ bounced less but ‘never broke’. In all fairness, we kids never used stickball bats, but used heavy wood Baseball bats. Thank You.