Hi everyone. I would like…
Hi everyone. I would like to begin a Jacks website with video to keep this wonderful game alive. I have been teaching my children. I have to admit that I have limited knowledge about the “specials” – I remember we did the flip (as talked about above) to see who would go first. Whoever caught the most went first – if you all caught them all then it was elimination going around until everyone dropped but one person.
We would play up to ten and back down to one in the normal fashion. Then we would play one where we scooped the jack with one hand into the cupped hand on the floor and then caught the ball (don’t recall what this was called!). We would play one where we would put the jack in our palm up other hand before we could catch the ball (don’t recall this name either). Anyhow, all info would be appreciated at whit_larson [at] yahoo [dot] com and I’ll give credit on the site when I set it up. It will be http://www.whitlarson.com/jacks – THANKS!!!!