I played as a kid in Puerto…
I played as a kid in Puerto Rico in the 60’s. My sisters and I would play together on a tile floor at my grandmother’s sewing shop. She sold jacks so we always grabbed a new set of jacks when visiting and she said ok since it occupied us while she sewed. We didn’t go as far as some of you. There were 10 jacks and one ball. First set was onesies, twosies, 3’s, til 10. Then on onesies you pick up the jack, hit the floor with it and then pick up the ball, on 2’s hit the 2 jacks on the floor before picking up the ball. continue to 10. Next, on onesies, throw the ball up, pick up one jack, put it on your other hand and then pick up the ball, same for 2’s , 3’s till 10. Can’t remember going any further. Oh yea, kissing the jack, that’s dirty though. I wouldn’t do it now. Although I do remember doing it, couldn’t think of what else to do, we just wanted to keep going.
I have the tall metal box with “pick-up-sticks” and 10 jacks and a ball, I think its mail order and comes with card games. It was a gift. I play jacks with my kids and beat them every time! They’re getting better.