The one I knew is longer……
The one I knew is longer…
Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell ding ding, miss Susie went to heaven, the steamboat went to hello operator, dial number 9 and if you disconnect me I will chop off your behind the refrigerator there was a piece of glass miss Susie sat upon it and broke her big fat ask me no more questions ill tell you no more lies the boys are in the girls room zipping down their flies are in the meadow the bees are in the park miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the d-a-r-k d-a-r-k dark dark is like a movie a movies like a show a show is like a TV set and that is all I know, I know I know my mom, I think I know my pop, I know I know my sister with a big fat 40 acre bra, my mom gave me a nickel, my pop gave me a dime, my sister gave me a boyfriend I named him Frankenstein!!!!!