Never forget the first….
Never forget the first. As a kid, that peck that made your face so hot you could still feel it there when you close your eyes, and remember.
Easy, Brooklyn/Queens New York City. 1967. PS214K school yard, first grade lunch recess. Donna Mantos. My cousin crystal had a huge overcoat and she made a cave. It was late fall, and I had the robber’s ski mask, like most kids pulled down so you looked like a 7 year old SWAT sniper. She pulled up the mask, and we’d exchange the pecks.
The high lasted all day. Then she’d go back to her girlfriends, and I’d go back to my playing airplane.
First heavy kiss was 1974, High School of Art and Design, from Evelyn. Wrigley’s gum and Kool cigarettes. What a memory.