The joys of a by-gone age!…
The joys of a by-gone age!
I remember playing “balls” in the 60’s in the East End of Glasgow. Our garage doors acted as the wall – all the children from the neighbourhood would come round and we would each take a turn and would be “out” when a ball was dropped. I remember there were 10 positions.
1st position – bounce the ball on the ground and against the door once.
2nd position – lift your right leg up, bounce the ball under that leg and against the door twice.
3rd position – lift and cross your left leg over your right, bounce the ball under that leg and against the door three times.
4th position – both feet approx 2 feet apart, bounce ball under your legs and against the door four times.
5th position – turn slightly to the right, bounce ball behind your back against the door five times.
6th position – bounce ball on ground and against the door, spin around for six times.
Can’t remember the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th positions but each stage became harder. Maybe I don’t remember because I never got that far without dropping a ball but I do remember that when you did get to the 10th position you continued in reverse order back to 1st position. If anyone can remember please put me out of my mysery!