does anyone remember a game…
does anyone remember a game w/spaldeen called war?
i lived in bay ridge thru 1951…was 13 when i moved. we would use a manhole cover w/chaulk and box off names of countries. with the ball laid in the hole of the manhole..someone was “it” and would say, ” i declare war on ” and would say the name of one of the countries..meantime we would all run…except the one who was the country called…they would say “freeze” and through the ball at someone …don’t remember the rest…but no one i know can remember this game…i lived in bay ridge at the time on 49th. st betw. 5 and 6 th.aves….near the 5th. ave. side was a candy store owned by mrs. mazzoola…and an empty lot across the street…anyone out there familiar with this? i’d like to hear from someone…jeanne