This is a great site!! I…
This is a great site!! I learned how to play skully at Holiday Haven Campground in Estelle Manor, NJ from kids who lived outside of Philly. It was hugely popular there, then we exported it to our neighborhood in Monroe Twp. NJ where we made an infinate number of skully boards on chalk either on our street or patio. My three sisters and I preferred our caps to be constructed of Dad’s cast off Budweiser beer bottle caps (the King of Beers and skully caps!) and melted-down crayola crayons. The metallic colors swirled with a regular color were the coolest! We would melt the crayons down right in the caps on Mom’s electric stove (where melted crayon spills were her bane!) I can remember the smell of melting crayons as if it were yesterday…