down down baby down by the…
down down baby down by the roller coaster sweet sweet baby mama never let you go if you wanna kiss me just say you love me shimmy shummy coa coa puff shimmy shimmy rah, shimmy shimmy coa coa puff shimmy shimmy rah. I like coffee I like tea. I like a black boy and he likes me so step back black boy you ain’t shy I bet you 5 dollars I could beat your behind. Last night and the night before I met my boyfriend at the candy store. He bought me ice cream he bought me cake. He brought me home with a belly ache. I said momma momma I’m so sick. Call the doctor quick quick quick I said doctor doctor shall I die. He said close your eyes and count to 5 I said a12345 I’m alive on a channel 5 I said a678910 I’m dead on a channel 10 with a scooby dooby doo on channel 2. Frankenstein on channel 9. …..
that’s how me and my friends do it. I’m 14 so…I guess it’s sort of there…