Turtle master is a playground…
Turtle master is a playground game when i was a kid, now its become a drinking game for me and my friends…
The rules are, the turtle master begins by saying one line and you go around in a cirle repeating the line without messing up, if you mess up you have to drink and start all over again!
one fat hen
a couple duck
3 brown bear
4 running hare
5 fat fickle females sitting on a stump
6 simple simones sitting sipping scotch
7 sinbad sailors, sailing, sailing the 7 seas
8 egotistical egglets echoing in egotistical extasy
9 nude nubians nibbling nuts nads and nictoine
10: you’ll never be a turtle master or a turtle masters friend but you’ll always be a turtle master til the mother f-ing end!