Jackie and Annette: We sang:…
Jackie and Annette: We sang:
In Spain it’s tulips / two lips together, twilight forever, bring back my love to me
What is the mea-ea-ea-ning of all these fla-a-owers?
They tell the sto-o-o-ry, the story of lo-ve from me to you
My heart goes thumpity-thump-thump, thumpity-thump-thump over the side of you (?)
I love you one and only, I love you personally
This is the sto-o-o-ry, the story of lo-ve from me to you
And when we’re ma-a-a-ried, where shall we li-i-i-ive?
In sunny Spa-ai-ai-ain, or gay Par-ee-ee-ee oui oui!
And we’ll have children of course, and then we’ll get a divorce
And then we’ll marry again, so sorry this is the end
(Oui oui, cha-cha-cha, cross-cross-cross, applesauce, match in the gas tank — boom boom!