We did the bull frog song…
We did the bull frog song like this:
Down by the bank of the hanky-pank where the bull frogs jump from bank to bank singin’ eep-ipe-ope-opp, he’s off the lily with a kerplop!
We usually did that one in large groups and eliminated whoever got slapped at the kerplop.
We did say-say-oh-playmate with different clapping than Savannah. We joined hands and swung them side-to-side for the “say-say-oh-playmate” part, then repeated the following: clapped twice, slapped fronts of hands, backs of hands, clapped, right hands, clapped, left hands.
Our words for it were:
Say, say, oh Playmate
Come out and play with me
And with my dollies three
Climb up my apple tree
Slide down my rainbow
Into my pot of gold
And we’ll be jolly friends
Forever more, more, more-more-more (with lots of hand slapping!)
My husband just doesn’t get it. Perhaps my children will . . .