Hello every-one this is…
Hello every-one this is a great site, just reading where you are from and the games you played brings back many memories. I grew up on HuntsPoint 901 Faile st. between seneca and garrison it was a private house my family owned. I attended all 5 schools on hunts point 1)the church headstart school 2)kindergarden on coster 3)ps48 4)the mini schools on manida 5)and then i.s.74. one of the best things about the point was we as kids playing had a green light to play all over the point. i CAN REMEMBER every block had a team. it was strictly if you lived on there, you played there no one played for any other block. i mean we played all the games in the past that you can imagine. plus the block to block stickball games where legendary. the block to block games especially. it was so competitive that we had all ladys game. my mother played first an third my aunt played outfield and my grandmother was the official substitude homerun hitter. plus after the games we had block partys on the 4-hills or in 75 or 48 parks. My generation was the last to have all that fun past down from generation to generation. my child hood years where in the 70s and 80s im 37 now. great old days. next neiborhood story. BIG BAD MELLOW -21 NOW A FORCE IN THE HANDBALL WORLD. MEMORY LANE.