Brian and I used to be annoyed…
Brian and I used to be annoyed with each other. But over the summer we became great friends. But on Halloween that all changed. Lets just say we fell in teen love. That night I gave him a simple peck on the lips.(but that wase’nt even count, the type of kiss you give your mom, dad, or grandmother) but we started going out. I was in 8th grade at the time. He invited me to his house. No one else was there, just the 2 of us. We got caught up in a conversation about are band concert coming up. But after about 3 min. of talk are eyes met. We both quite talking in unison we leaned forward. We kept are eyes open intell are lips toeched. I was in heaven and put my heart into kissing him. When we pulled away he stared in my eyes and runned his hands through my hair.
We are still going out and were in 9th grade. The first real kiss was not perfect in since of teniqe but in since of love and shock. We still laughe about it, I will never forget it.