For almost a year my heart…
For almost a year my heart has been aching with sorrow. A great man was lost a year ago. He was a loving husband, father, son and friend. I’ve known Steve for over 30 years going way back to third grade. Steve and I hit it off as best friends then because of his cool drawings of Godzilla. Later on during our teenage years we competed in baseball and many other sports. This made us bond even closer. However, what I do remember Steve for were for his values and perservance to always do what was right. I was fortuntate to have spend some time with Steve and Jovy when they came to San Diego for the Labor Day Tournament. I can’t help but remember that day and only think of Steve and praying for his safety, but god had other plans for him. Let me say that not only did I lose a best friend but I lost a brother!! God Bless, Steve, Jovy, Skylar, Austin & Mr & Mrs Mercado
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