Does anyone remember the…
Does anyone remember the flames game? It was this paper game where the girl would write down her full name, and the full name of the guy she liked. Then she would cross out all the letters that matched up in both names. Then she would count up the letters and get a number. With that number she will start counting through the word flames. Like for example, if the number was 7, she would start counting at f. f is 1, l is 2 and so on. So the 1st letter to be crossed out would be F. And you would continue on until you had 1 letter left. Then that letter was supposed to be the fate of the girl and the guy. Now, if anyone remembers this game, what does the letters A and S stand for? I know F was friends, L was love, M was marriage, E was enemies, but I can’t remember the other two. Does anyone remember what they mean?