Hi. Growing up there were…
Hi. Growing up there were 2 rhymes that started with “Miss Lucy”. One was “Miss Lucy had a steamboat. The steamboat had a bell.” and continued on from there. For kids growing up in the 70’s, it was a BIG deal to do this one, because the endings to all the lines were “dirty words” that were actually the first syllables to normal words that started off the next line. For instance, to finish the first verse and start the second one…”Miss Lucy went to Heaven and the steamboat went to Hell {end of verse 1}
{start of verse 2} “O operator, please give me number 9.” Making it a very long-drawn out “Hello”. Again, very tame by today’s standards but back then, very risque.
The OTHER Miss Lucy went, “Miss Lucy had a baby, she named it Tiny Tim. She put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.” HOWEVER, I don’t remember the rest of this one. Does this sound familiar to anyone? If so, help would be appreciated.