Hi Marc…this is super!!!!!!!…
Hi Marc…this is super!!!!!!!
I remember Chink ball..played at every corner store in Feltonville where there was a ” Jewish ” candy or variety store, and the drug stores wall with light buff colored brick were not exempt either. We used to be ” chased ” by Muchnick, Mr. Gold, Lenny’s food market and even the Smylie Rd shoe repair man. It was a great way to spend an evening! Now here were the rules…you had to show up in a white tee shirt, and not the athletic ones either or you couldn’t play. You pitched a penny against the wall to find out who would serve first and keep score!! That was important. One bounce of the pimple ball which was sold for 9 cents by the store owner ( the corner) where you got chased was shared by all players. One bounce was the rule and if the ball jumped the wall and went onto a lawn, you lost 2 points! The game was played with and open palm to smack the ball, almost like tennis or racket ball
Well we invented ” Jewish Chink ” —My family was the Ponnock Toy company and we were privy to have the old paddle and ball…A wooden paddle and a long rubber band attached to the ball manufactured inside and connected to paddle with a staple. I cut the rubber band and brought two paddles with me to Muchnicks’ in the early 1960’s and we had fun! We called ourselves the Pennway Paddle Club. When the pimple ball went flat from us really abusing it, we held off from immediately cutting it into ” halfies ” and ran around playing ” paddle Tag” So much fun!!!
thanks marc.. this is great