I remember playing Chinese…
I remember playing Chinese jumprope when i was like in the 4th and 5th grade, and I remember making it out of rubberbands….you would make it long enough to make it into a huge circle so you could wrap it around your ankles and someone elses, standing at least a yard away. You would be in teams and both members of the team had to win to go to the next level. You would jump in with both feet, then jump out with both feet, synchronized of course, then move your right foot in so you would only be over one side of the ropes, then jump to the other side with both feet. Then jump up with both feet and land on the rope, at the same time. At that point the other member would do the same. If both members passed, then you would go to the next level.
The levels would be from:
ankles, knees, right below the behind, then waist, underarms, and neck. i don’t think it got that far, but just in case some girl who could jump high, I think that was the last level.
If one member missed, then they would switch and if it became your turn again, you start all over again.
this was the version I used to play…=)