This train gose down,down…
This train gose down,down baby
down by the rollercoster
sweet,sweet baby I’ll nerver let you go
If you wanta kiss me just say you love me shimmy,shimmy cocc-pop shimmy rah
shimmy,shimmy cocc-pop shimmy rah
I like coffee I like tea
I like the (oppional)boy he likes me
so,stand back (oppional)boy don’t be shy
Bet you five dollars I could bet your behind
last night and the night before
I met my boy friend at the candy store
he bought me ice cream he bought me cake
he brought me home with a belly ach
MaMa,Mama I’m so sick call the doctor
Doctor,Doctor shall I live or shall I die
Close your eye’s and count to 5
1-2-3-4-5 I’am alive on chanal 5
6-7-8-9-10 I’m die again on chanal 10
Scooby-Doo on chanal 2
Frankenstin on chanal 9
and G.I.Joe on HBO
Your mama, my mama live acrossed the street
1819 Blueberry street
every night they have a fight
and this is what they say…
Boys are rotten made out of cotten
Girls are sexy made out of pepsi
Boys go to jupiter to git more stupiter
Girls go to collage to get more Knollage
Boys take a bath to get more math
Girls take a shower to get more power
I don’t want to go mexico
No more,more,more
there is abig fat police man
At my door,door,door
he’ll grab me by the collar
make me pay a dollar
I don’t want to go to mexico
No more, more, more
I don’t want to go hollywood
No more,more,more
there is a big fat Michel jackson
At my door,door,door
he’ll grab me by the hips
Make me kiss his lips
I don’t want to go hollywood
No more,more,more
I don’t want to go Tennisee
No more,more,more
there is a big fat Elves
at my door,door,door
He’ll grab me by the wrist
Make me do the twist
I don’t want to go Tennisee
No more,more,more
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
were the bullfrogs jump from bank,to banky
With an eps-ohps-eps-opps-eps-ops-ohps
and it gose kre-splat!
Lincoln,lincoln Iv’e been thinkin
what the heck have you been drinkin
looks like wiskey tased like wine
all my god it’s terban time
close you eyes and cout to ten if
you lose start over again
These are just a few of the clapping games I Know