I heard it a little differently:…
I heard it a little differently:
There was a jolly dutch boy, his name was Johnny Rabeck.
He used to deal in Sausage meat and saurkraut inspect.
He made the finest sausages that ever you did see.
Until on day he invented the sausage making machine.
Oh, Mr. Mr. Johnny Rabeck how could you be so mean.
We told you you’d be sorry for inventing that machine.
Now all the neighbours cats and dogs will never more be seen.
They’ll all be ground to sausage meat in Johnny Rabeck’s machine.
There was a jolly dutchboy, came walking in the store.
He bought a pound of sausage meat and laid it on the floor.
The boy began to whistle, he whistled up a tune.
And all the little sausages were dancing round the room.
Oh, Mr. Mr. Johnny Rabeck how could you be so mean.
We told you you’d be sorry for inventing that machine.
Now all the neighbours cats and dogs will never more be seen.
They’ll all be ground to sausage meat in Johnny Rabeck’s machine.
On day the thing got broken. The darn thing wouldn’t go.
So Johnny Rabeck, he climbed inside to see what made it so.
His wife, she had a nightmare, while walking in her sleep.
She gave the thing a heck of a yank, and Johnny Rabeck was meat.
Oh, Mr. Mr. Johnny Rabeck how could you be so mean.
We told you you’d be sorry for inventing that machine.
Now all the neighbours cats and dogs will never more be seen.
They’ll all be ground to sausage meat in Johnny Rabeck’s machine.