my friends and i used to…
my friends and i used to play bounce pitch sitckball at the park down the street from us. because there was no wall behind it we couldnt actually throw fast pitch which would have been better but you know…im a lefthander and there was no fence in right field so we(lefty’s) had to hit it three times as far than the righty’s would to get a homerun. it would have to go into the neighbors yard to be a homerun and that was about 250 feet away. nobody had ever come close before until one day i stepped up to bat and crushed a homerun into the middle of the yard. nobody would get the ball because there was this huge german sheppard in the yard so they made me go get it(the you hit it u get it rule)so i had to go get the ball and i almost got eaten alive during the process. the dog chased me to the fence and as i was hurdling the fence, it took a chunk out of my pants. i was the hero for the day. we kept playing until it was dark like always thanx to me. every once in a while my friends bring that day up when we are talking about the old days.