Oh Jolly Playmate, come…
Oh Jolly Playmate,
come out and play with me.
and bring your dollies 3,
climb up my apple tree,
slide down my rainbow
into my cellar door,
and we’ll be jolly friends
forever more, more, MORE,
Oh Jolly Playmate,
I cannot play with you.
my dollies have the flu.
they might throw up on you!
i have no rainbow.
i have no cellar door,
but we’ll be jolly friends
forever more, more, MORE
a game with a ball where you go through the alphabet. you bounce the ball, and after each line, you throw the ball under your leg:
My name is A______
And I come from A______
to sell some A_____
My name is B_____
And I come from B______
to sell some B_____
C! etc.. etc…
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could sea sea sea
but all that she could sea sea sea
was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
A sailor went to knee knee knee
To see what she could knee knee knee
But all that she could knee knee knee
Was the bottom of the deep blue knee knee knee
A sailor went to me me me
To see what she could me me me
But all that she could me me me
Was the bottom of the deep blue me me me
A sailor went to sea knee me
To see what she could sea knee me
But all that she could sea knee me
was the bottom of the deep blue sea knee me