August 2-2000 Update on my…
August 2-2000 Update on my comments of 6-30-99 In the time since my last comments on the subject of jumping or skipping rope & my web site being named on matters of the jump rope & my product of a water spraying automatic jump rope that requires no hands to spin the rope & is regulated by a means to controll the speed of the rope, I woul”d like to ask your visitors to your site to look at my site that has pictures & explanations of & give me their opinions as to what they think of this unique one of a kind toy. After they have looked at this item I woul”d appreciate hearing from any and all of the public.The sites have several sheets on it, & have good offerings if you look at it & read it well. Thank You Site once again is the E.mail address is jetomatic [at] jetomatic [dot] com. This is a secured site
Ernest Craven.