I still laugh when I think…
I still laugh when I think of all the pranks we pulled and the games we played growing up…
On one occasion, my brother and I broke open a tennis ball, and wrapped the neighbor’s dog up with the long rubber band that was inside. We used to make up games, usually involving some kind of pain, such as slapping each other’s faces to see who would give up first, or head knocking.
“Mean Old Daddy” was a neighborhood favorite. One of us would steal a long belt from one of our dads when he wasn’t looking or at work. Then sit outside in a chair and pretend to be sleeping. The rest of us had to sneak past without “Mean Old Daddy” waking up, or he would go after us with that belt! We would also pick inkberries at the bus stop, and pelt each other with them; they would make wonderful purple spots that would never come out of our clothes. It seems that kids are just not allowed to have fun anymore. I’m sort of glad about that, too, because it’s a wonder we all survived it!