I am in Australia and am…
I am in Australia and am trying to kindle an interest in jumping rope with the grade 2 – 5s at my local school. I would like a few songs to get the children going. All I can remember is part of a song which had ‘high low jolly pepper’ in it. Does anybody have any universal songs for me please? Also, we used to play ‘elastics’ which was with a long piece of sewing elastic made in a loop; one person at each end and the player started off with the elastic at the ankles and had a series of jumping activities to perform including tucking one side of the elastic over the feet and jumping over the other side of the elastic and somehow jumping out of the tucked in piece.They then moved up to the knees, hips, neck etc. This sounds really complicated, but when you visualise doing it, its not!! I hope someone else from Australia finds this site who knows what I’m talking about. Anyway, thanks for an interesting site, don’t forget about those skipping rope songs please.