Hey! Anyone else used to…
Hey! Anyone else used to have those ugly rollerskates, usually with racing stripes, with HUGE orange wheels? I had blue ones with ORANGE stripes! I think they were hand-me-downs from my sister (I had them in the mid 80s-early 90s, until I finally got Rollerblades). I learned to rollerskate when I was about 6 or 7. They were big and heavy, and pretty clumsy, but a lot of fun to use. Mine got pretty worn out, I remember once, I was skating with a friend and suddenly, the axel and front wheels fell off my skate!! I got rollerblades pretty soon after that…
The first time I went to the hospital (er) was because of those skates… I was rollerskating, and the ground got suddenly bumpy/gravelly, and I fell down and hurt my arm. It hurt a LOT and I couldn’t move it. I sat there yelling HELP for about 3 minutes until finally someone stopped… My parents drove me to the er. The whole time I was holding my arm strait, I couldn’t bend it at all. They x-rayed it, then a doctor came in, said it was just a bad sprain and forced my arm to bend! That HURRRRT. I guess it was so he could put a sling over it, but sheesh! The worst part, though, was when I went to school and these mean girls kept saying that I was lying and my arm wasn’t really hurt. Too bad it was my non-writing arm, though, so I could still do my school work, hehe… (Isn’t it always the wrong one? 🙂