Levine Stoopball, my Mothers…
Levine Stoopball, my Mothers maiden name, is played with 6 inning. The lentgh of the field is 70 feet to the wall, over it is a homer. And fair territory is 40 feet wide, you hit off brick with a TENNIS BALL and basehits are determined by distance, single on a grounderb if it gets by your ONE defender double by grounder is down the right or left line. Double by air is past the double distant line, and triple and homer so fourth. We play TWO fouls/strikes your out same differnce, this occurs the tennis ball bounces behind your brick of out of fair territory. There’re two parts of your field. Your infield is mainly just asfalt and your out field is grass, if you have it. To go foul on a grounder it has to hook before the grass starts, as in baseball.
The three original players are cousine, DANIEL SIMON(FROM NY), MICHAEL BISCEGLIA(NJ) AND MAX CUDWORTH(FROM PROVIDENCE). IN a family league each of us represent our cities. We play a six game season every time we go to Pittsburgh to vivit our GrandFather. Each team gets four games of those six. The two second place teams play each other to play number one in a Seven Game LSL(Levine stoopball league) Series Championship.