In Fairview in Jersey in…
In Fairview in Jersey in the 40-50s we played stickball any where there was a stick and a ball. The street, using cars as bases, a manhole cover for home plate, a board or a brick for a base if nothing was where it needed to be. It was mainly a boys game, but if enough boys didn’t show up, and we were feeling particularly benevelent, we would let girls play – but only until a boy showed up understand.
Then at school we had a playground which was hemmed in by the three story school and two tall apartment buildings, It was all blacktop and we drew bases woith chalk on the surface. Because of the space limitations we used a short bat about 12 inches long, but even then the jocks could put it on the school roof some times. We mere mortals would stand in awe at those who could do that. The ball was pitched on one bounce and it could have any kind of english on it. You never knew which way it was going to fly after it bounced, unless you knew the pitchers style well enough then you could second guess him. While the game was going on there were kids playing ring a leeio and tag and jumping rope and just raising hell as kids at recess do every where. Sheer bedlam. But good times. RAY RILEY