Wiffle Ball We’d get…
Wiffle Ball
We’d get on a wiffle ball kick and start playing every day for awhile through the summer. You’d use a hollow white plastic ball, with vents on one side. You could throw great curves and sinkers. You’d have a yellow plastic bat that was kind of like a combination between a baseball and stickball bat. You’d play either one on one or teams, with a couple of guys on it.
You didn’t run with wiffle ball. If they didn’t catch it, depending on how far you it would determine how many bases you’d get. You couldn’t hit the ball too hard, so a great shot would be 20 or 30 yards (depending on the wind).
The ribs in the top of the ball could be pressed in and let you get a better breaking ball. It was great to pitch with, hard to hit and hard to field the ball.
I don’t know why they called it wiffle ball, probably cause of the noise it made when as it sailed through the air.