I used to hang out with…
I used to hang out with these kids in Woodside. When it was snowy and icy, we wore special clothes for one of our favorite activities “Skitching.” You had to have boots with substantial soles. We had rubberized fabric gloves and glove liners and the gloves were typically bright colors. Kids even had rubber pants.
After a really severe snowstorm the cars would have to slow down, and only go at about 20 miles an hour down Queens Blvd. You could hide between parked cars, sneak out in a crouch behind a car when it stopped at a light. Grabbing the bumper, you’d lean back and let the car pull you down the street. We called it skitching because it was a cross between hitching and skiing. Most times the drivers didn’t see you. You could go for blocks. What a ride!