Being born in the 1970 I…
Being born in the 1970 I was blessed to have enjoyed BOTH Metal skates (and yes! I remember having to drag that lose skate over to a bench so I could redo it!) and white boot, orange rubber wheeled ones.
I also remember the sneaker skates! I thought those were the coolest! I got stuck with the white, blister causing boots.
And you couldn’t have any scuffs on those white boots….Noooooo! As soon as they got scuffed, you busted out the white liquid shoe polish! I polished mine so much that I rubbed off the foam applicator tip on the liquid polish bottle. 🙂
I have a friend who sill has her brown suede skates. She used to show them off but rarely skated with them lest she mess them up. Waste of money if you ask me….
I got some rollerblades a couple of years back. But because I learned to skate on 4 wheels with the stopper at the toe, I have soooo much trouble stopping it’s not funny!!!