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We’re about to begin the 1999 Brooklyn Stickball Classic – We’re at Driggs and N 7th, the border of Greenpoint and Williamsburg. About 40 or so players have shown up and are taking their first swings. Spalding is giving out balls & tee sirts and the Daily News is setting up the “officials booth.” Butch Yung of the Guardian Angels, one of the event coordiators has asked the captains of the competing teams to come register for the event. Registration fees are $50 money goes to the Police Athletic League (PAL) Street Games Program. Team players receive official 1999 shirts. Teams get bats.
John Campi of the Daily News just officially started the event. The first competition will be the “long ball.” $5 to register – money again going to PAL. If you hit it 200 feet you get a Daily News 2 sewer pin. Today’s winner gets a gift certificate from Modells. The winner at the end of the citywide competition will get a free trip to Puerto Rico.