After reading some of the…
After reading some of the comments by some of the ladies on skipping rope,they shoul”d take a look at my web site on & they will see a new & innovative type of jump rope that requires no hands to operate it. It requires only one person to operate it. Complete automatic & is water propelled & spray”s a refreshing mist of water around the jumper. The rope stops turning upon contact with the jumper. The speed of the rope is determined by the regulator on one of the poles. Operates on regular home water supply and garden hose, & is mobile. nothing like it, It is also great summer fun for young and elderly alike.Itcan be set for one revolution per second or much more depending on preference of the jumping party better yet it is made in the U,S.A.TO send comments after viewing site E.Mail to jetomatic [at] jetomatic [dot] com or click on E.Mail on web pages address sheet. From Inventor Ernie.Craven.